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Lakeside Elementary School

Shaping the minds of the future

Principal's Message

Welcome to second quarter! I'd like to take this opportunity to offer a few suggestions to ensure your youngster’s academic success.  Many middle school students struggle with organization.  Help them by having a weekly planning meeting perhaps 15 minutes each Sunday evening.  Sit down with your child to discuss upcoming assignments and tests and then together agree on a schedule for completion. This helps your student learn time management and will make the week go smoothly for the entire family. 

Use the Binder Reminder provided by the school as a planning tool.  Make sure your child is writing all assignments down and that you are checking it regularly--daily if necessary until they demonstrate competence and at least weekly to let your child know you are interested in their education.  Encourage them to make checklists of tasks to complete and help them organize the steps involved in long-range projects.  Check your child’s backpack frequently.  Have them bring only the school supplies they will need.  Everything else is excess baggage and will not help them either get, or stay organized. 

Be sure your youngster is getting plenty of sleep.  At this age, they still need at least 9 to 10 hours of sleep per night.  Studies show that students suffering from lack of sleep cannot concentrate, retain information or behave satisfactorily.  Sleep deprivation can cause behaviors that are often mistaken for Attention Deficit Disorder. 

Monitor your child’s television, telephone and computer time and habits.  Internet access can be a wonderful educational tool, but it can also present a real danger for vulnerable minors.  Let your child know that you will be monitoring their text messaging and Internet activity including social websites such as “Facebook” because you care about them.  These forms of communication are not confidential and often lead to hurt feelings, peer conflicts and unnecessary “drama” on campus.  Unfortunately, some students carelessly say mean things and even threaten other students via social websites.  They are often unaware that this is a criminal activity and can involve law enforcement and consequences. 

Communicate with your child’s teachers and counselor.  Let them know you are supportive and want to be involved in their academic progress.  Decide together what system of home-to-school communication will be most effective, i.e.:  email, work or home phone, notes in Binder Reminder, etc.  We want to work with you to ensure success for your student. 

Finally, enjoy these middle years because they go by quickly.  Soon, you will be the parent of an independent successful young adult.  And as always, please feel free to contact me or any of the staff members here at Mertz Middle, if we can assist you through these exciting years. 

With kindness,
Principal Garcia


Principal Garcia smiling